Nathan Neufeld

Nathan Neufield

Artist, designer, and educator, Nathan Neufeld creates multi-sensory works centered around play, exploration, and user interaction. He was born in Asheville, NC, and graduated from the Kansas City Art Institute with a major in Ceramics in 2015. During his time at KCAI, Nathan pioneered ways in which digital technologies intertwine with traditional processes. After graduating he launched and directed KCAI’s new studios for art and technology. Nathan departed from KCAI in 2024 for the NYSCC at Alfred University as a MFA candidate.

Nathan has exhibited nationally and internationally in venues such as The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts and The International Ceramics Center in Kecskemet, Hungary. He has created works for those such as the Kemper family, Manica Architecture, NCECA, the City of Riverside, and the Kansas City Art Institute. This includes an installation for The Monarch in Kansas City, which was featured in Architectural Digest as one of eight most stunning chandeliers in the world.